Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Iran Continues To Star As The Mouse That Roared

by: Tom Attea

Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear diminutive Iran roar like a lion about its nuclear ambitions. Or growl about its mighty power by launching yet another flight of missiles. Yet among the world’s most powerful nations Iran remains inarguably diminutive. So, regardless of all the bluster, it can never be more than the mouse that roared.

The powers that be can observe and even indulge Iran, but they know quite well that the mouse better behave itself, because they can always give in a backhand and send it sprawling across the floor and scurrying back into its hole.

Are we attempting to make fun of the descendants of the Darius? No. We have a more considerate goal.

Our intention is to reveal that the efforts of its leaders to brandish weapons and pretend to be a superpower are unwisely conceived. They hope to be what, due to their nation’s size and resources, they can never be.

Far better to spend their national treasure on the prosperity of their citizens, instead of on nuclear armaments that, at their most dangerous, certify them as a possible target for a nuclear attack. And far more productive to join the family of nations as a peaceful and prosperous member than to bellow impossibilities.

But these hopes may be too revolutionary, at least, for now. So we have to settle for the most that’s likely. If the little nation will just stop roaring, the powers that be have shown plenty of willingness to throw it some cheese and let it nibble away in peace.

About The Author

Tom Attea, humorist and creator of http://NewsLaugh.com, has had six shows produced Off-Broadway. Critics have called his writing "delightfully funny," "witty," with "good, genuine laughs" and "great humor and ebullience."

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