Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

What If Everybody Promised Not To Kill Anybody For Just One Day?

by: Tom Attea

Now, here’s a radical idea. As we see the body count pile up in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa, along with the daily occurrences of murder worldwide, including right here in the gun-toting USA, we ask ourselves, wouldn’t it be wonderful if everybody would promise not to kill anybody for just one day?

Imagine, an entire 24-hours without a single person being killed by another person? One day and one night without having to see a tearful human being lamenting the murder of someone they love.

A complete rotation of the earth without enduring one murderer inanely presenting himself or herself for justice to be done.

Could a day so blissfully murder-free even convince a would-be malefactor or two not to go ahead with a planned murder scheduled for the next day?

In these spiritually barbarous, though technologically advanced, times, it would, of course, be far too unrealistic to hope that everybody would promise not to kill anybody for two days in a row. How could the human race, still woefully uninformed about the merits of locating inviolable sanctity in life itself, restrain its murderous inclinations?

While Marx said “Man is a wolf to man,” even that dour economic theorist did not understand to what extent man is the primary cause of man’s tragedies.

Which brings us to the cheerful conclusion of our proposed “murder takes a holiday.” If we stopped shooting ourselves in the foot, we might even feel like dancing.

About The Author

Tom Attea, humorist and creator of http://NewsLaugh.com, has had six shows produced Off-Broadway. Critics have called his writing "delightfully funny," "witty," with "good, genuine laughs" and "great humor and ebullience."

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